About Me

I'm Pranjali Sankpal, graduated from Sandip University, Nashik, Maharashtra, India. I Am A Self-Taught Developer With A Passion For Web Development And Problem Solving. I started my development journey from learning Core Java.

I am quick learner and I like to explore new things. I'm interested in working on new projects along with my skills.

  • Frontend Development
    HTML5 CSS3 BootSrap4
    Javascript ES6 DOM Manipulation jQuery
  • Tools
    Bash Command Line
    Git, GitHub, Version Control
  • Backend Web Development
    Node.js NPM Express.js
    Authentication Firebase
  • JavaScript Framework
    React Hooks
  • CSS Framework
  • Database
  • 2022-current
    Training at SimpliLearn's Web Development Course
  • 2018-2022
    BTech in Aerospace Engineering from Sandip University Nashik, Maharashtra, India
  • 2018
    Higher Secondary School-PCM group
  • 2016
    Secondary School

My Services

Frontend Development

I would like to use my skills to optimize the user experience. Using HTML, JavaScript, CSS and Reactjs framework will bring concepts to life. I would like to develop and maintain the user interface, implement design on mobile websites, create tools that improve site interaction and manage software workflow.

Backend Development

Skilledn in backend development with technologies like Node.js, Expree.js, EJS, REST APIs, databases like SQL, NOSQL, MongoDB and Mongoose. Have skills like Authentication which help to secure our web application.

Fullstack Development

I would like to use my skills and learnings for betterment of industry I will work for. I have great skills in frontned as well as backend web development. I would like to advance my skills while working on different projects.

My Projects

Netflix Clone

Netflix clone is made by using HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Snake Game

Snake game is a game made using frontend building blocks. This project is made by HTML, CSS and JS.

Portfolio Website

This is my portfolio website. It contains information about my skills, learnings and projects.


Tindog is dating app for dogs. It is fun app made for my understanding and during learning of html, css and JS.

Dice Game

The Dice Game is the game made from using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This project is made for my understanding about especially JavaScript and DOM Manipulation.

Drum Kit

This is another frontend project made from using HTML, CSS and advanced JavaScript.

The Simon Game

Simon is an electronic game of short-term memory skill. This game is made by using my knowledge about JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

Weather App

This project contains learnings of Weather API. Made this project during initial learnings of APIs.


This is simple website used during learnings about Database. This is simple signup web app.


Blog project is all about storing data, composing new blogs. It contains node modules and EJS learnings.

Secrets App

Secrets app is social media app where one can share his/her secrets anonymously and can see others secrets also.


Live clock website made by using React components.


Emojipedia is explanation about meaning of different emoji's we use. Made by using Reactjs.


Keeper is React project where we can add daily notes or can use as diary.

To-Do List

Simple version of To-do List app where we can add our daily targets and track them.

Contact Me


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